


表現 意味 例文
I've been ~ing 長い間〜してきた I've been working out for a long time (長年筋トレしている)
get tired of 飽きる I never get tired of looking at this picture. (何度見ても、見飽きない絵です)
Why don't you ~ 〜したらどう? Why don't you join us? (一緒にどう?)
some kind of ~ 何かの

some kind of sports (何かスポーツ)


some kind of について


some kind of ~ の意味は? | 海外ドラマ・映画で英会話



表現 意味 例文
I don't really like to あまり好きじゃない I don't really like watching sports. (スポーツ観戦はあまり好きじゃない)
move to around 物を移動させる・動き回る I don't really like to move around. I prefer to relax at home. (私はあまり動き回るのが好きではない。家でくつろぐのが好きだ)
There will be ~ ~があるだろう[いるだろう]

There won’t be a test next week. (来週テストはありません)



There will be a school trip next year.


Will there be a class next week?


There is (are)基礎から意外な使い方まで。 | コーチング付きオンライン英会話



表現 意味 例文
If I can get good at it もし上達できたら If I can get good at it, I want to play it for everyone. (上手くなったら、みんなの前で弾いてみたいです。)
- and - taste very good together. 一緒に食べると美味しい Does it taste good together? (合わせると良いですか?)
I'm glad you ~ あなたが〜して嬉しい I'm glad you have fun. (楽しんでいただけて嬉しいです)
decide to ~ (迷いながらもとりあえず)決める I decided to have a barbecue. (BBQすることに決めた)
get into the class 入り込む→参加する・熱中する My brother got into video games. (私の弟はテレビゲームに熱中していた。)



I've been married for 7 years. When I was newlywed, I wasn't good at cooking. But I'm getting better at it, and I recently like to made Chinese food!


I don't really like to watch sports on TV. I prefer to watch dramas, comedies, and animal shows.


I had something happy happen today!

My daugter sarted to take her first steps. I was glad