

lesson14(n_10) 予習 (read about work friendships)












Vocabulary 日本語訳 例文 (英語) 例文 (日本語訳)
friendship 友情 I cherish our friendship. 私は私たちの友情を大切にしています。
research 研究 He is conducting research on climate change. 彼は気候変動の研究を行っています。
employees 従業員 The company has over 500 employees. その会社は500人以上の従業員がいます。
workplace 職場 She enjoys the friendly atmosphere at her workplace. 彼女は職場の友好的な雰囲気を楽しんでいます。
encourage 励ます I encourage you to pursue your dreams. 私はあなたが夢を追求することを励まします。




1 Do you or did you have friends at work?


Yes, I do. I have friends. I met them in the office. We are still friends.


2 Were they important to you? Talk about them.


They are amazing.

I often was helpd by them.

When we faced difficulties at work, we worked on together.

Anytime, I talked to my friend , my co-workes about the work.

I frequently had lunch and dinner with them.


They are my co-workers, and my friends, and also my rivals.

Our designers have to make design that everyone feel good.

We have been making one design over and over.

So there are a lot of overtime.

Many people who works design office quit a job.


Encouraging each other and staying motivated are impotant for me.

I think friendships at work contributed to continue work.


3 What was the article about? Retell the most important ideas. use your own words.

We can hear different perspective from my friend at workplase.

It is important to spend time with friend and know each other.

This work at work.


3 Listen. Read the article




This article said importance of friendships at work.

Accoding to research, 50 persent of employees are happier when they have friends at work. Because they feel comfortable  to work with persons you can trust.


2 companies are featured that think of interesting ways to help build friendships.

For exsample, the employees are aked some question about other employees when logging in. They wolud think about other people in the office and can know each oher.

This way is worked on by Zappos, the online shoe company.


The others company is Google.

It has game rooms, a rock climbing wall, a gym, and a swimming pool.

Everyone of google can use them and spend time with other people.
They can use cafeteria at no charge as well.


This article is finally stated that friendships at work help employees stay longer at companies.


この記事では、職場における友人関係の重要性について述べられていました。 調査によると、従業員の 50 パーセントは、職場に友人がいるほうが幸せだと感じています。なぜなら、彼らは信頼できる人と一緒に仕事をすることに快適さを感じるからです。  


友情を築くための興味深い方法を考える 2 つの企業が紹介されています。 たとえば、従業員はログイン時に他の従業員について質問されます。従業員はオフィス内の他の人のことを考え、お互いのことを知ることができます。この方法は、オンライン靴会社ザッポスが取り組んでいます。


他の会社は Google です。 ゲームルーム、ロッククライミングウォール、ジム、スイミングプールがあります。 Google の誰もがこれらを使用して、他の人と時間を過ごすことができます。 食堂も無料で利用できます。




表現 意味 例文
co-workers 同僚 I enjoy working with my co-workers. (私は同僚と一緒に働くことが楽しいです)
all the time いつも She is on her phone all the time. (彼女はいつもスマートフォンをいじっています)
employers 雇用主 The employers are looking for qualified candidates. (雇用主は適任の候補者を探しています)
more likely to work より働きやすい Employees who have flexible schedules are more likely to work efficiently. (柔軟なスケジュールを持つ従業員は効率的に働くことがより可能性があります)
loyal 忠実な She has been a loyal employee for over 10 years. (彼女は10年以上忠実な従業員です)
a common sense 常識 It's a common sense to arrive on time for a meeting. (会議には時間通りに到着するのが常識です)
How well do you know どのくらい知っている How well do you know your colleagues? (同僚をどのくらい知っていますか)
Do you just say hello? ただ挨拶するだけですか Do you just say hello to your co-workers or do you engage in conversations? (同僚には挨拶するだけですか、それとも会話をしますか)
close 親しい We are a close-knit team. (私たちは親しいチームです)
cookouts 野外料理 We often have cookouts during the summer. (夏にはよく野外料理をします)
break down the walls 壁を取り払う Let's break down the walls between departments and foster collaboration. (部門間の壁を取り払い、協力を促しましょう)