



www.youtube.com I got trained. I had to train by myself, but at the same timewhen I did the movie "Unbroken" to go on the red carpet where I promote the movie So, I got trained by the movie company ・でも同時に : but at the same time ・関…

lesson5(n_4) 予習 / article

breakingnewsenglish.com Japan's government has lowered the age at which people become adults. It is the first time since 1876 that this has happened. From the year 2022, teenagers will become adults at the age of 18, which is two years ear…

2023年4月 TOEIC 結果

TOEIC結果出ました。 まさかの、点数アップ! 2年何もせず過ごしてた割には・・・良かった・・・よね(^^;) 次回は8月くらいかな。その時にはTORAIZ効果で点数アップできるといいな〜 とりあえずVersant対策していかないと! 感想はこちら learnmoreengli…