

TORAIZ レッスン復習

lesson15(j_5) 復習

How are you feeling? It's raining heavy raining outside, isn't it? ↓ Yes it is. It rains a lot in Osaka. There is a typhoon coming tomorrow. I can't go shopping and taking mydaughter to the park. she was in a bad mood. ※ I'm in the mood fo…

lesson14(n_10) 復習

How are you recently? 最近どうよ? I had a long day today. 長い1日だった she was crying but you can understand right like your little your little girl and then you see this big. Ah ↓ Oh my little girl was crying when she saw Meronpanna. b…

lesson12(j_4) 復習

・現在形は"習慣"を表す。 They sleep well (彼らはぐっすり寝る) She speak fast (彼女は早く話す) ・そうすれば明日見れるよ Then you can watch the show tomorrow.=Then you will be able to watch the show tomorrow. 同じ意味。 ・今日あったこと、…

lesson11(n_8) 復習

dough Sounds like a plan I’m in the mood for Thai food. What are you getting? - what will you order? I’m getting Thai curry. salad Split the bill? It’s on me - I pay I’m up for anything - any is ok What are you in the mood for? My favorite…

lesson10(n_7) 復習 / text

Hi. Hello. Good evening how are you? I'm good. How are you? Very good. So how was your weekend? weekend I went to striping. Okay, so you went shopping? How was it? It was so fun. I wrote in your shirts How was the little, little girl a lit…

lesson8(n_6) 復習 / 旧友との会話 ロールプレイ

復習形式を変更する!綺麗にまとめても全然見返してない・・・から意味ない! 言えなかったこと・新しく覚えたことは、 瞬間英作文にしておいて、後で何度も復習すること。 ameblo.jp このブログを参考に、Ankiというアプリを使ってみる。 ①とりあえず今後も…

lesson7(n_5) 復習 / 寿司テロリズム

昨日のレッスンは緊張したものの楽しかった! 後半は割とリラックスしてお話しできた。 でもやっぱり、用意してきた話題はスラスラ話せるけど 突発的な会話にはついていけない。 こういう場面での一言二言の返事・相槌ができるようになりたい! Are you okay…

lesson4(n_3) 復習

■挨拶 Hello, Hello, good evening karaka evening. Can you see me Erica? Yes, I can see. So how are you today? I'm i Great i am great. How are you? I'm a little tired but it's good ↓ Good evening 言えたけど、なんかイントネーションがおかしか…

lesson3(n_2) 復習_2

■京都の話 How about Giotto? How about Kyoto? What did you do in Kyoto. I went to last year ma I ride a boat. It was a lot of fun! I went to Arashiyama. There is big river. We ride a boat and take a walk around river. ↓ It was a lot of fun!…

lesson3(n_2) 復習

■挨拶 Hello. Good evening → 次のLessonでは「Good evening」と言えるように! Can you hear me? Yes, I can hear. → OK◎ Yes, I can. / No problem, thank you How are you? Good. How are you? I'm doing good. → 次回は I'm good thanks. How are you? ■…

lesson2 (j_1) 予習+復習

昨日考えてた自己紹介惨敗だったので簡単なものに変更! My name is Haruka KIta. I was born and raised in Osaka Japan. I worked as web designer until 2years ago but now I'm tanking a break because I gave birth last year. I want to do my best w…

lesson1(n_1) 復習

緊張しすぎて肝心の録音を忘れてしまった・・・ 次回は必ず。 ■感想 今までネイティブキャンプの先生で慣れてきたからそれが普通だと思っていたけれど、TORAIZのネイティブコーチはみんな落ち着いてる〜 最初はなんか雰囲気怖いな〜と思ったけど、こっちの方…