


lesson14(n_10) 復習

How are you recently? 最近どうよ? I had a long day today. 長い1日だった she was crying but you can understand right like your little your little girl and then you see this big. Ah ↓ Oh my little girl was crying when she saw Meronpanna. b…

lesson14(n_10) 予習 (read about work friendships)

今日でネイティブコーチの授業は10回目。進歩は実感しているけど、ここ最近緊張せず話すことができるようになって、予復習の精度がかなり落ちてる。 新聞記事を読んで議論する授業も、教科書を使った授業も、 どちらにも求められるのが文章の要約! まず日…

lesson14(n_10) 予習

・授業までの会話ネタ How was your day? → I took a lot of time to study English. Because I didn't have time to do yesteday. Yeasterday was my daughter's birthday. That was very good. Can I ask question? Which shoud I use in this case, that …


ディクテーション① Do you know where the city art museum is? Yes Go well? out the front door and turn left. Walk about 100m to the subway. Take the blue train to twinty 20th at the street The museum is near west gate station 何回聞いても、G…