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A five-year-old boy has tragically died after he drowned in a swimming pool, just an hour after arriving at a holiday resort with his family.

Robin Caliskan had only just got to the Atlantic Reach holiday park in Newquay with his family. He had helped his mum and dad, Ferzane and Cemal Caliskan, pitch their tent before heading for a swim with them and his six-month-old baby brother, Renas.

tragically [trǽdʒikəli] = 悲劇的に
drown [dráun] =溺死する
get to = 到着する / arrive
pitch [pítʃ] = テントを張る
head for = 向かう


Just minutes before, the family had been enjoying themselves as Cemal snapped photos of his family. The family then split with the father and son in the main pool, whilst mum and baby Renas were in the baby pool. Robin asked to go to see his mum and brother and along the way from one pool to the other, he got into difficulty. His parents said due to the "low lighting" and "barriers" they didn't immediately notice

Enjoy myself = 楽しく過ごす
then split =それから分かれて
whilst [hwáilst] ワイルスト= while(イギリス英語)
along the way = 道中で
low lighting = 照明が薄暗い
barriers [bæriɝz] =バリア、フェンス


 Heartbroken dad Cemal said when the ambulance arrived, their young boy was already dead. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

ambulance[æmbjələns]アンビュラァンス= 救急車
be pronounced dead = 死亡確認される
 at the scene = 現場で

Speaking to CornwallLive, Cemal, from Plymouth, said: "I want every parent to see this story, this can't happen again. We are suffering pain and we don't want any parents to have a similar feeling. We just wanted to share this to stop it happening again, to any other parents and any other children."

Describing little Robin, Cemal said he "loved hugs" and was a "very cute and clever" little boy. "He was intelligent and his handwriting, he could write with both hands," he said. Robin adored his baby brother Renas and "would love to put him on his legs and rock him".

Atlantic Reach issued a short statement on social media following the incident yesterday. A post on their Facebook page read: "We have closed our Leisure Club for the remainder of this evening. We do apologise for this short notice.


Plymouth : プリマス◆英国
handwriting = 手書き
adore [ədɔ'ːr ]= 熱愛する、大好き
would love to = したい
incident  = 偶発的な出来事を表し、事件のことを指す

