

lesson3(n_2) 予習

People are travelling again after the end of coronavirus lockdowns. Many people are using the money they saved while borders closed to go on their bucket list trips. Others are less willing to dust off their passports. A travel report analyzed 16,000 surveys from people in 15 countries. The site found that 14 per cent of Chinese and Americans, "never want to travel again". Almost 35 per cent of Japanese people said they never wanted to leave Japan again.

One reason why Japanese people do not want to travel is they want to explore Japan. Many people travelled domestically during the pandemic and fell in love with Japan's nature. A tour guide was "constantly amazed" at her clients' reactions in Kyoto. She said people were "so engrossed" in their heritage. Other reasons are the climate crisis and the sustainability of flying. Some people prefer to spend money on nice hotels in Japan than on travelling overseas.



単語の説明するときは・・・"ーーー" means 〜

bucket list trips - a list of things you want to do before you die

・less willing to - don't want to

dust off - to prepare something for use

・The site - place or web pages

・engrossed - being focused on something and not paying attention

・heritage - thing made in the past and still have historical importance

・climate crisis - the wether ploblem

・sustainability of flying - Flying related to environmental issues



Many people are travelling again after pandemic lockdowns and using their savings to take their dream trips. But some Chinese, American, and Japanese people don't want to travel anymore. Japanese people among them want to explore their country and love Japn's nature. Others are concerned about impacts of environmental with flying and prefer to spend their money on domestic travel or nice hotels in Japan.







COVID-19 was tough, but it was good that Japanese people rediscovered the wonderful things about their country.

travel industry devastated by pandmic. Japanese gavement promote travelling domestically to help them.

Perhaps This 35% japanese people got cupons from goverment.


did you travel somewhere in these years?


What did you have for diner?

What did you


I went to Tokyo Disneyland.

it's crowded.



After the pandemic ends, Have you been seeing any foreign tourists?



I want to go




1 What is your bucket list except travelling?

(Besides travel, what else is on your bucket list?)

2 Are you in Japan, right? Where is your favorite japan's spot?

3 Are you impacted by pandemic?

(Have you been impacted by the pandemic?)

   Have you been affected by Corona?

4 Have you ever been to Kyoto?

5 What do you think why Chinese and American don't want to travel?