

lesson13(n_9) 予習 (South Korea _2 )

a) What do you think about what you read?

It's interesting to learn about the korean government's efforts.

Japan has the same problem. Before I read this article, I looked up poplation  Japanese who are reclusive. It's about 2.2 per cent of young Japanese.

But I think Japan government don't do anything for this problem. I think they are kind for old people but not kind for others such as yong people and children. I don't feel that Japan's efforts for ageing society.



b) Did you get lonely during the pandemic?

Yes, I did feel lonely at times during the pandemic. Being confined to home for extended periods made it challenging to connect with others.



c) Do you prefer being alone or being with other people?

It depends on the situation and my mood. Sometimes I enjoy spending time alone, as it gives me a chance to recharge and reflect. But, I also value the company of others and the social connections that come with it.



d) Do you have difficulties in leading a normal life?

Like everyone else, I face occasional difficulties in leading a normal life. It could be related to work, relationships, or personal challenges. However, I believe that facing and overcoming these difficulties is the need of life.



e) How can we deal with bullying?

It's essential to promote awareness and education about bullying and establish safe spaces where victims can seek help.


f) Do technology and social media make people lonelier?

While technology and social media have their benefits, excessive reliance on them can sometimes contribute to feelings of loneliness.



g) What problems might an ageing society have?

It requires support systems to ensure the well-being of the ageing population. But It also needs to spport to the young people who help old people. For exesample, the ways to increase Japan’s birth rate. The yong japanese have worries about futures and don't want to give the barth.



h) What questions would you like to ask a recluse?

  • What led you to choose a reclusive lifestyle?
  • なぜ引きこもりの生活を選びましたか?
  • Do you have any plans or aspirations for re-entering society in the future?
  • 将来的に社会復帰する予定や希望はありますか?


a) Do you ever get lonely?

  • たまに孤独を感じますか?
  • Yeah, sometimes I do. It's normal to feel lonely every now and then. (うん、時々はね。時折孤独を感じるのは普通だよ。)

b) What do you do when you are lonely?

  • 孤独を感じたときはどうしますか?
  • When I feel lonely, I try to engage in activities that I enjoy. I am playing video games or studying English. It helps take my mind off the loneliness. (孤独を感じた時は、自分の好きな活動に没頭したりするよ。それで孤独を忘れられるんだ。)

c) Do you like going out or staying at home?

  • 外出するのが好きですか、それとも家にいるのが好きですか?
  • It depends on my mood. Sometimes I enjoy going out and socializing, while other times I prefer staying at home and having some alone time. (気分次第だね。時には外出して人と交流するのを楽しむけど、他の時には家にいて自分だけの時間を過ごすのが好きだよ。)

d) Why does someone become a recluse?

  • なぜ誰かが引きこもりになるのでしょうか?
  • There can be various reasons why someone becomes a recluse. It could be due to past experiences, social anxiety, personal preference for solitude, or difficulties in relating to others. (引きこもりになる理由は様々ですね。過去の経験や社交不安、孤独を好む性格、他人との関わり方に困難があるなどが考えられます。)

e) Do you like meeting other people?

  • 他の人と会うのが好きですか?
  • Yeah, I enjoy meeting new people and making connections. It's always interesting to hear different perspectives and learn from others. (うん、新しい人と出会ってつながりを築くのが好きだよ。異なる視点を聞いたり他の人から学んだりするのはいつも面白いんだ。)