


lesson7(n_5) 予習 / article

breakingnewsenglish.com Pranksters are posing health issues and harming the reputation of Japan's conveyor-belt sushi restaurants. Several diners have posted prank videos on social media. These include people licking soy sauce bottles and …


瞬間英作文用 絶対に〜したい I really want to ~ 1週間 all week ずっと〜するのを楽しみにしてた I've been waiting to ~ そうすれば〜できるから Then I can 〜 そうすれば〜できたのに Then If I could have 〜 / If I had been able to 〜 疲れすぎて明…


Can you give me anything for my head. it harts. Did you hit your head on headon something? No it just harts Do you have a cold? No Im fine I never catch colds Did you eat enough today?(しっかり食事を摂りましたか) yes I had a big luch 2 hou…


www.youtube.com I got trained. I had to train by myself, but at the same timewhen I did the movie "Unbroken" to go on the red carpet where I promote the movie So, I got trained by the movie company ・でも同時に : but at the same time ・関…

lesson5(n_4) 予習 / article

breakingnewsenglish.com Japan's government has lowered the age at which people become adults. It is the first time since 1876 that this has happened. From the year 2022, teenagers will become adults at the age of 18, which is two years ear…

2023年4月 TOEIC 結果

TOEIC結果出ました。 まさかの、点数アップ! 2年何もせず過ごしてた割には・・・良かった・・・よね(^^;) 次回は8月くらいかな。その時にはTORAIZ効果で点数アップできるといいな〜 とりあえずVersant対策していかないと! 感想はこちら learnmoreengli…

lesson4(n_3) 復習

■挨拶 Hello, Hello, good evening karaka evening. Can you see me Erica? Yes, I can see. So how are you today? I'm i Great i am great. How are you? I'm a little tired but it's good ↓ Good evening 言えたけど、なんかイントネーションがおかしか…


項目 おかわり完璧度/ 10段階 どんどんテスト this (8)(8) 主格・所有格 (8)(7) 目的格・独立所有格 (4)(7) what (8) who (9) 命令文/Let's 7, 6,8 whose 9, 8,9 where 9, 10,9 when 9, 4,6 which 8, 9,8 it 8, 6,7 how 10, 10,10 what time 5, 6,6 仮定法過…


瞬間英作文用フレーズ 表現 意味 例文 be no good よくない - I'm no good at singing. (私は歌が苦手です) - It's no good. (役に立たないです) too much 〜過ぎる / 副詞 - You think too much. (考えすぎです) - I ate too much! (食べ過ぎました!) much…

lesson4(n_3) 予習

breakingnewsenglish.com Japanese food is famous all over the world. Everyone knows sushi, tempura and tofu. A lot of Japanese food is so well presented it looks like art. It is therefore a little surprising that Japan's "dish of the year" …

lesson3(n_2) 復習_2

■京都の話 How about Giotto? How about Kyoto? What did you do in Kyoto. I went to last year ma I ride a boat. It was a lot of fun! I went to Arashiyama. There is big river. We ride a boat and take a walk around river. ↓ It was a lot of fun!…

TRAIZ 振り返り 171/180

4/27からスタートして、1週間と2日。 たった1週間だけど、英語を話すことへのハードルが少し下がった気がする。 今まであっという間に過ぎ去っていた1週間という時間が、かな〜り長く感じた。 まだ1週間しか経ってないのか〜という感じ。 1週間経ってみ…


授業で使えそうな英語フレーズ ● Could we really? 「今から遊園地行くんやけど、一緒に行かへん?」みたいな提案に対して、「ほんまに?」と疑問や懐疑を表現するとき使う。 Could I really? Could you really?も同様に使う。 A: "Hey, I heard you're thin…


授業で使えそうな英語フレーズ ● Perhaps A: Do you think we should go to the beach tomorrow?B: Perhaps, if the weather is nice. (A: 明日、ビーチに行った方がいいと思う? B: もしかしたら、天気がいいなら行くかもね。) ※Bでは、Perhapsの後、we can…


授業で使えそうな英語フレーズ ● It seems like ~ It seems like it's going to rain, so we should bring umbrellas just in case.(雨が降りそうなので、念のため傘を持っていった方が良いように思われます。) It seemd like My daughter is upset about …

lesson3(n_2) 復習

■挨拶 Hello. Good evening → 次のLessonでは「Good evening」と言えるように! Can you hear me? Yes, I can hear. → OK◎ Yes, I can. / No problem, thank you How are you? Good. How are you? I'm doing good. → 次回は I'm good thanks. How are you? ■…


表現 意味 例文 I've been ~ing 長い間〜してきた I've been working out for a long time (長年筋トレしている) get tired of 飽きる I never get tired of looking at this picture. (何度見ても、見飽きない絵です) Why don't you ~ 〜したらどう? Why d…